JAKARTA - Park Jaehyung or also known as eaJ opened up about his story with DAY6. While attending the Zach Sang podcast, he told many things.

eaJ, who is now in solo career, spoke about things that triggered him to leave the group. He admitted that at that time he could not respond to a conflict more maturely.

"While still in the group I once proposed to create a YouTube channel for parts of branding and promotion. Of course, the idea was immediately rejected, so I prepared a presentation of 30 pages for it, and finally it was approved," said eaJ in September 13.

"The channel up to one video can reach 1 million views. But after a while my account was deleted. I hope to be more mature at that time, where I can explain everything well," he added.

The conversation about DAY6 is running with full emotions and feelings. Several times Jae seemed to be careful and keep his speech because he was afraid of creating drama again.

Another thing he discussed was about the issue that he would return to band with DAY6. eaJ without hesitation stated that it was not true.

"I don't know where it came from, suddenly on the internet I was busy discussing I was going back to DAY6. I can make sure it wasn't true," he replied.

However, eaJ emphasized that he really supports the members who have fought with him in DAY6. He ensured that the conflict between himself and the agency (JYP Entertainment), not with the members.

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