JAKARTA - Red Velvet has again succeeded in stunning fans in the country through a show titled 2024 Red Velvet FANCON TOUR < HAPPINESS : My Dear, ReVeluv> in JAKARTA which was held at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol on Saturday, September 7.

At the end of the show, Irene, Wendy, Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri were asked to convey their impressions on the tens of thousands of fans present.

Starting from Seulgi, the member who spent the longest training period regretted the short visit to Jakarta. He hopes to return to greet ReVelev (fans) in Indonesia in the near future.

"It's a shame, today we have to go straight back to Korea, even though in Jakarta there are many good people, many people are happy, if we can do it one more day (here), but unfortunately we can't," said Seulgi.

"I think we should hurry back here. For the spirit and love that you have given today, I thank you. I love you. Thank you," he continued

Then it was Irene's turn to convey her impression after two and a half hours of appearing in front of fans. The leader highlighted the audience who was very expressive that day.

"Fans in Jakarta today looks very expressive and your screams are really heard," said Irene.

I like the way you guys are like that. You can express what you feel is good. Because there is a time when our feelings cannot be expressed in words, but your faces can show them," he continued.

Thank you to Luvies Indonesia who have been with us all this time. Thank you."

Yeri joined two other members. He praised fans for the support Red Velvet has given for ten years since debut.

"Thank you for being with us all this time. Luvies Jakarta makes us always fun, the energy is really extraordinary. We are really grateful for that. For all of you, thank you very much," said Yeri.

Similar to other members, Joy, who just turned 3 September, also expressed her gratitude. She feels that she always gets a warm welcome every time she visits Indonesia.

"Thank you for the birthday greeting. You have welcomed us warmly and energetically, which made us very touched. For the warm welcome, thank you," said the member with the real name Park Soo Young.

Wendy got her last turn to convey her impression. He hopes fans in Indonesia can also feel that Red Velvet loves them too.

"Because of your loud screams, we looked more energetic (today). I hope you can feel our love too," said Wendy.

"Thank you because wherever we are, you always support. Thank you for coming today. In the future, Red Velvet will also give a better performance," he said.

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