JAKARTA - Littlefingers presents their unique latest release titled Four Flights to Fibs. If many musicians are inspired by love stories or literary works, they actually take ideas from the mathematical theory.

Four Flights to Fibs is taken from the Fibonacci series, the line-up of numbers that are when summed up with the previous two numbers and when applied in visual form form form spirals whose sizes are related to each other; as stated in the cover of this song.

The spiral, which is often referred to as Golden Ratio, represents the lives of the three Littlefingers personnel who knit their careers as a session player for various well-known Indonesian artists. Even though they have played on various stages with various best Indonesian musicians, Littlefingers feels they will always return to their music and music friends who they are most comfortable with.

"The three of us always agree that Littlefingers is our home. Although we rarely see each other and are often more busy working with musicians with various genres outside of the music we write or listen to, Littlefingers has always been a free space for us to put what is in our minds," David said in a written broadcast.

The Fibonacci series principle was also applied by the personnel in songs that were divided into four different parts, but still interconnected with each other. The beginning of the song begins with a repetitive synthesizer pattern from Chika Olivia, which is then gradually developed by the gahar Tjdika bass game and David Halim's bombastic drum game.

Still being produced and self-mixed and mastering, Four Flights to Fibs presents an energetic rhythm but is full of musical techniques and details.

"As musicians, we often feel like we are spinning in the same place. Writing and practicing continuously, but there are no significant results yet. In fact, all we need to do is just keep quiet for a moment to appreciate the process we are in and see how far we have gone. This experience we put into this single; by developing an initial rotation that continued to be developed until the end of the song.," concluded Tjdika representing Littlefingers.

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