JAKARTA - Kibordis Untuk Bangsa Indonesia (KUBI), pada hari ini, Senin 26 Agustus melaksanakan program pertamanya terkait pendidikan musik. Program ini menjadi satu dari beberapa agenda tetap sebagai bentuk sinergi KUBI dengan para stakeholder di Indonesia.

Held at DSS Music, Jakarta, this event was attended by a number of members and administrators who are partly senior Indonesian musicians. Among them are Chandra Darusman, Addie MS, Ferdinand Marsa and Tamam Husein who were speakers at today's forum.

"I am very happy with the inauguration of KUBI, it is like the development of an era where the social structure of social relationships is very colored by the development of technology, which everything is not done alone. The existence of KUBI is proof that we need to gather together. I think this KUBI will play a good role if a group of musicians join forces and to achieve something must be competed collectively," said Chandra Darusman to the media crew, Monday, August 26.

Meanwhile, Addie MS hopes that this forum will facilitate members to learn from each other and grow creative ideas.

"What I saw with this forum, in the past I still remember how difficult it was to find references to study, it's easiest to have school money to America. Now it's a flood of references, just click here and there we can know," said Addie MS.

"So easily, player references are more diverse, if there is no such forum or association, it will grow individually and what I see is a sense of longing as a social being. When gathering and meeting fellow keyboardists, artistic ideas often arise or for our future. Indeed, together in groups are very positive and many benefits, so I support the existence of KUBI," he added.

Starting from a keyboardist and pianist community, Kibordis for the Indonesian Nation (KUBI) was sparked in August 2015 at Fadhil Indra's initiative. This community is also a forum for keyboardists and pians to establish friendship, as well as a place to share knowledge and experience.

In 2017, KUBI held its inaugural concert at Graha Bhakti Budaya Jakarta. Followed by 132 musicians of all ages and genres, the activity was rewarded with a World Record Holder by Record Holders Republic.

From year to year, KUBI continues to develop and contribute to the people of Indonesia by being able to advance Indonesia through music, both in making new songs and also in education.

At the end of 2023, KUBI registered itself as an official organization with the first National Conference on December 2, 2023 at DSS Music, which is also the office of the KUBI secretariat. At the time of writing, the official KUBI members were recorded as many as 229 people.

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