Azizi Asadel, who is familiarly called Zee, appeared for the last time as a member of JKT48 through a performance entitled Anti-Love Rules JKT48 which was held in Jakarta on Sunday, August 25.

That way, Zee, who has become a member of the seventh generation, officially ended his journey with JKT48 after six years.

In the event, Zee read out a letter he had written earlier. He expressed his gratitude to many people who have supported him so far.

"I don't think I will be able to be this independent without the support of many people. Thank you ZeeMotion, of course other JKT48 fans, my family who are always supportive, my close friends, JKT48 members, and also JKT48 staff who always want to help," said Zee, quoting TikTok video @48story_, Monday.

Through the farewell show, Zee expressed her readiness to start a new journey outside of her status as a member of JKT48.

"Yes, today has arrived, I will close the sheet of the book here, and I will start writing my journey in this world," Zee said.

"Thank you for being a very memorable chapter and I will never forget it. With this, I am Zee from JKT48 The seventh Generation of a goodbye permit and see you with Azizi Shafaa Asadel. Please always support me. Thank you everyone."

The moment of Zee's graduation was also celebrated by fans on social media. Happy Graduates and AturanAnti CintaJKT48 became trending on social media X.

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