JAKARTA - Singers of the song Ear Sun have further solidified their names as young soloists who have promised the Indonesian music industry.

Performance in the showcase titled IBJ Music Night received a warm welcome from the audience who met Pavilion Sarinah, Central Jakarta on Thursday, August 8.

As the main performer who closed the event, Ear Sun performed a main song titled "Never mind", her latest single, which was released on June 28.

So far, it's been an important part of the male music career with the real name Muhammad Irsan. This single is the first work to penetrate hundreds of thousands of streams on Spotify in a month.

Mochamad Andika from IBJ Academy as the organizer of IBJ Music Night said this event was indirectly an extension of the song "Never mind" which began to be heard and liked by Indonesian music lovers.

As never mind the problems of human travel that are growing up and finding self-actualization, especially in careers, IBJ Music Night also presents a special session.

We also inserted a talk show menu about careers from experts in their respective fields. So, the common thread still brings the spirit of the song "Never mind", said Mochamad Andika in his statement.

According to Andika, what is in the showcase, by presenting young talents and discussing music and careers, is different from other events.

In addition to Ear Sun, who performed her best songs, showcase also presented several other young musicians, such as Vanri, Alya Zurayya, and Mentari Novel.

Lebih lanjut mengenai Ear Sun, karya-karya lain siap diluncurkan untuk mengikuti lahlah yang mendapat respon baik. Rencananya, album bertajuk Nyala akan dikenalkan pada Oktober mendatang.

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