JAKARTA - There is an exciting story about the supernatural in the recording process of the new Foo Fighters album. Vocalist and guitarist Dave Grohl revealed that the recording of their tenth album was plagued by naughty ghosts.

The Foo Fighters languish in a 1940s house in Encino, California, but soon notice the "shaking off" when their instruments go out of tune and the tracks they record are mysteriously erased.

"When we walked into the house in Encino, I knew the atmosphere was strange but it was cool enough to record," Grohl told Mojo via NME.

When they returned to the studio the next day, all the guitars did not sound neat, the equipment settings had been saved back to zero, and even Pro Tools were missing or there were mysterious tracks.

"There are a few tracks stored there that we didn't save. But it's like a weird open mic sound. Nobody plays an instrument or anything like that, just an open microphone recording the room."

Finally, Grohl et al installed a baby monitor to see if they could gather visual evidence of what was causing the disturbance. Although they find nothing at first, they then begin to see things "they can't explain."

"Then when we found out about the history of the house, I had to sign a no-disclosure agreement with the owner because he was trying to sell the place," Grohl continued.

"So, I can't really tell you what happened there in the past but some events in such a short time made us finish the album as fast as we could."

This story was told by a former Nirvana drummer after he recently confirmed that the new Foo Fighters album is finished.

"We just finished making a new record," he said. "Some of those songs, the best happen in 45 minutes. Then there are the other songs - there's the riffs I've been working on for 25 years. The first time I did the demo was in my basement in Seattle. "

The frontman previously revealed that the follow-up to Concrete & Gold (2017) would be very 'strange'. But of course it's not strange because of the ghost's interference, right?

Anyway, they also recently postponed their 25th anniversary tour in the US due to the COVID-19 pandemic or the corona virus. In his announcement, Grohl mentioned playing concerts with a broken knee is commonplace, but playing concerts when everyone's safety is at stake is worrying. They also re-uploaded the All My Life music video with a cleaner version.

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