JAKARTA - Additional tickets for the Sheila On 7 "Wait for Me Di" concert tour were welcomed by Sheilagank. All tickets for the four cities provided by the promoter were sold out in less than two hours.
"We are very happy to see Sheilagank's enthusiasm for the news of the addition of this ticket. Hundreds of thousands of fans continue to visit the waiting akudi.com website to get tickets," said Faqih Mulyawan as CEO of GoldLive Indonesia in his statement, Monday, July 22.
This positive reaction proves how much their love and support for Sheila On 7. We are committed to providing an unforgettable concert experience for all loyal fans of Sheila On 7, "continued Faqih.
Meanwhile, Andri Verraning Ayu, CEO of Antara Suara as the promoter, explained that the addition of tickets and new location selection aims to improve the experience of concerts for fans.
Moving the location of the show in Makassar, Pekanbaru, and Bandung to a new venue, was made while still prioritizing commitment to create a memorable experience.
"We make sure there is no difference in ticket prices. In addition, plans for the concert area have not changed at all except in Bandung," said Ayu.
Promoters also explained that the new venue provides extra space to present more activities during concerts. They try to accommodate more fans who have previously not had tickets.
"Although the change in venue has a positive impact on concert excitement, we are also paying attention to transportation to a new venue to accommodate fans who have purchased tickets beforehand. We are all making preparations seriously. Wait for further information," Ayu added.
Here is the venue for a new show in the Sheila On 7 concert series "Wait for Me Di":
Sheila On 7 'Wait For Me In Makassar', 10 August 2024 Move To Sport Center Plasa Telkom, MakassarSheila On 7 'Wait For Me In Pekanbaru', 31 August 2024 Move To Athletic Rumbai Stadium, PekanbaruSheila On 7 Wait For Me In Bandung, 28 September 2024 Move To Gelora Bandung Lautan Api (GBLA), Bandung
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