JAKARTA - The beauty of a work usually comes from solid cooperation between singers, musicians and music producers. Thanks to this collaboration, quality works are often born that steal the attention.

The country's music industry continues to give birth to great figures behind the recording kitchen. With their intervention, the singers can further explore their potential.

Music producers also have one main task, namely to translate the idea of the singer to be realized in composition. This continuity is the determinant of how cool the musical work is.

The following are the musicians who have contributed to producing popular and quality works in the country. Can you mention the works of those who have been milling about on social media?


Strengthened by three flamboyant musicians, Laleilmanino has teamed up with many singers. The combination of ideas from Lale and Ilman from Maliq & D'Essentials, and Nino from RAN is an accurate combination.

Some of their projects stole the attention on the music scene, such as Armand Maulana's solo project, songs from Indonesian Idol dropouts such as Tiara and Salma, to writing iconic JKT48 songs, Rapsodi.

Petra Sihombing

No less sticking out, Petra Sihombing is also increasingly trusted to be a music producer. His maturity in gathering music has resulted in several popular songs.

His name is listed as a producer on several songs Kunto Aji, Tulus, Rendy Pandugo to Bernadya. In addition, he also produced many of his own works as a solo singer.


One of the producing units that attracted attention was S/EEK. Strengthened by Marco Steffiano, Josh Kunze, Jessi Mates and Adrian Kitut, they handle many talented young artists.

Starting from Ashira Zamita, Mark Natama to Mahalini have experienced good cooperation with S/EEEK. This includes Keisya's latest song entitled Tersemogokan which also involves the cool hands of these producers.

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