JAKARTA - Ari Bias' report against Agnez Mo on suspicion of copyright infringement is underway at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters. After making a report on June 19, the author of the song Bilang Saja was examined by investigators yesterday, Wednesday, July 10.

Responding to many public questions against him, Ari Bias stated that the report against Agnez Mo was true. He said the 38-year-old singer had performed his song without paying royalties.

Ari ensured that there was no goal of harming Agnez Mo's good name, which might ensnare him with a defamation report.

"Maybe there is a question from the public, that this could be defamation. I can explain here, I don't attack character, I don't physically attack, I only fight for my economic rights to the songs I created. That's all," said Ari Bias after visiting the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters.

Ari Bias also felt that what he had done so far was quite good, by sending a subpoena before making a police report.

Furthermore, the Elkasih personnel said that they held evidence of all statements related to Agnez Mo.

"If I have said rude or anything, please check, I have never spoken rudely. And everything we say, both me and my attorney, everything has proof. So, there is absolutely no defamation," concluded Ari Bias.

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