JAKARTA - This year Rubik's album from Dere is two years old. To celebrate, the young singer and Expoindo plan to hold a special show titled Pentas Rubik.

This moment also marks the four-year journey of the Music Dere. The singer of Batak descent hopes for an exciting and colorful celebration, which will take place on July 21 at the Bloc Post, Central Jakarta.

"Getting older, graduating from college, falling in love, heartbreak, friends who come and go, and others. Want to appreciate this whole new friction with fun cheers on stage with all the friends who come later! Can't wait! "Dere said in a written broadcast, July 2.

Rubik's album brings the positive spirit he wants to bring to this show. Dere wants to invite friends who are present to be happy to celebrate the dynamics of the turnover that occurs in life.

Various music presentations, such as the complete orchestra, acoustic atmospheres with a warm touch of percussion will accompany Dere's songs such as Reliec', City, Songing', and others. All of that is also presented in synergy with the visuals and lighting that will be presented.

'Follow friends, brothers, sisters, mom, dad, everyone. I hope we can sing together later. See you soon!' added Dere.

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