JAKARTA - The vendors who rented their tools for the Lentera Festival concert in Tangerang last weekend had to suffer losses due to the anarchic actions of destructive spectators and set fire to the main stage.

Moge, who acted as coordinator of the vendors at the event, said that the losses caused by the anarchist actions of the audience reached more than Rp600 million. In addition, they also lost other jobs that should have been undertaken after the Lentera Festival was completed.

"Friends and vendors all calculated a loss of around Rp600 million (or) less than Rp700 million. That includes unpaid rental fees," Moge told the media crew in Tendean, South Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26.

"That doesn't include moral losses, because we have to cancel our other work," he added.

Otep, who rented out his tools to the organizers, admitted that he had to lose a lot. Not only tools that were damaged on the spot, but also those that were lost because they were brought by the audience.

"Losses to me sound system vendors, all band tools on stage were damaged. Some were burned, some were looted like monitors, monitor speakers, and mics. Everything was destroyed as you saw," said Otep.

As a victim as a result of the actions of the Committee Chair who allegedly fled money for production costs and paid performers, the vendor's parliament hopes that music audiences can be more mature in acting.

"We hope that after this incident, events in Tangerang Raya can still run. This is only because of unscrupulous persons and because of unprofessional organizers. Don't let other professional organizers get affected too," said Otep.

Kita berharap penonton ke depan lebih dewasa lagi. Jadi, tidak merusak. Kalaupun ada kekecewaan kita memahami, tapi jangan ada kerusakan.

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