JAKARTA - Aruma entered a new chapter on his musical journey. He finally released his first album with the title 'Berbunga'.

Previously, Aruma made all eyes and ears focused on his debut single, Muak. The song gained popularity quickly, reaching 182 million streams on Spotify.

After that he introduced the songs until he collected five singles before the 'Berbunga' was officially released. Aruma describes this album as a summary of his development process in music.

There will be ten songs on this album. Five songs have been released on EP Growing, while the other five are petals that have grown and flowered on one beautiful stalk. All songs are like my journey to fall in the music world to become the current figure of Aruma. I think all the songs in Berbunga feel sweet even though the meaning of the song is not that sweet," explained Aruma in a written broadcast received by VOI.

Aruma admitted that the journey to this first album took quite a long time, there are even some songs that have been recorded for a long time and can only be heard now.

"Because I needed some songs for this album, I dug up my song savings again. One of them is Greetings which was originally considered to be a debut single in 2022. After a little improvement, now this song is ready to be heard to music lovers. I hope you like it, "he explained.

As the winner of the 'Best Newcomer Category' at the 2023 AMI Awards, Aruma displays his expertise in stringing words in the melody again. There are other emotions that are also displayed on a total of 10 tracks on this album, including Delulu which are quite challenging.

Menurut saya, lagu tersebut memiliki aura paling berbeda dari yang lainnya, musiknya tidak sweet seperti biasa, tapi berani untuk menunjukkan keterangan. Ini jugalah yang aku cobakan di album Berbunga, yaitu sesuatu yang baru. Ada beberapa lagu yang memiliki vibe atau suasa berbeda dari Aruma yang biasanya dan ada lagu bahasa Inggris juga.

Using flowers as an analogy, the EP released by Aruma on February 23 was described as the starting point of its journey. And this album is the time when it has developed.

EP Grows is my starting point in finding out the world. Meanwhile, on this album, I consider it like a flower that has bloomed, is beautiful, and doesn't matter if one of its petals falls because it knows that one day it will grow again a new one, it is also a picture of another aspect in my life that is not always straight and smooth. Sometimes there is a part of me that is very weak, sometimes I can be the toughest woman. But, with all that process, I hope to always flower beautifully in its time, this art student story.

"What is certain is that I really want a lot of people to listen to the flowering album. Not only that, I also want to sing the songs on this album directly in front of my fans. Hopefully one day I can hold a big showcase and meet them face to face. The plan, after the album With Interest, I will hold a promotion, but what will it look like, just wait. Pray for everything goes smoothly.

Aruma hopes that this album will receive encouraging responses, both from fans and music listeners in general, and capture messages he wants to convey through Interest.

"Hopefully you will also be at the flowering point, when you are sincere about the bitter and sweet processes of life. Rest assured that the petals after the petals you have will always grow again after falling," he concluded.

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