JAKARTA - Difki Khalif again greeted Indonesian music lovers with a new single entitled 'Lamunan Di Kota Itu'. This song is the third release in 2024, after Lara and Sore Tugu Pancoran (cover Iwan Fals).

Difki wrote his own single this time, which tells the story of a vacation and the beauty of the corners of the city that reminds him of his missed lover.

Different from the songs that have been released before, Difki discussed with the team from the label to determine the 'Lamunity in Kota Tua' as the title of the song.

The title name Lamanan Di Kota Itu was sparked from me and the Musica team by looking for a keyword that is easy to find. At first it was just a 'Lamunity', but I want the word 'City' because the names of cities in this song are important characters," said Difki Khalif in his statement, Wednesday, June 19.

In composing the song, Difki was assisted by Ricky Johannes as producer and Kamga as vocal director.

"It can be said, the creative process is quite long. I have a workshop in Sentul for five days. The notation of the song has been done first, then the lyrics are formed afterwards," said Difky.

I want a unique and different story. Finally, I entered the names of cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Kuta, Paris, and Cappadocia," continued the cousin of Ariel NOAH.

The process of composing songs is also not without obstacles. Difki said the changes to the arrangement were a challenge in itself.

"Initially this song was made with a full band arrangement, but with some considerations I changed it to a minimalistic acoustic. The challenge is, how to keep this song energetic even though it uses a simple arrangement. Finally, with the help of Kamga, we decided to make an acoustic arrangement but still pleasing to hear, "concluded the Khalif Difki.

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