YOGYAKARTA - Many think that the music we hear can make us excited or sad. So, can music increase the mood? To find the answer, let's look at the review below!

It's not just the weather that can affect mood, nor music. This is evidenced in research published by the Journal of Positive Psychology. The research found that upbeat music can change mood and increase feelings of happiness in 2 weeks. Other research published in the World Journal of Psychiatry also found that music therapy can reduce mental stress and anxiety, so that it can improve mood, self-esteem, and quality of life. So, at this time you don't need to be surprised if many people increase their mood with music.

Moreover, not only to improve mood, music is also used as a method to express emotions. For example, sad people will listen to sad music and happy people will listen to happy music. However, how does music affect the mood? Find out the answer here, come on.

How Music Affects Mood

I. Increase Focus

Some people pay attention to music to improve focus. Because music seems to be able to activate, maintain, and improve a person's focus. This is evidenced in a research conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine. The research investigates the relationship between music and a person's mind. As a result, the research argues that listening to music is able to help the brain anticipate activities and maintain a better focus.

Even though mood swings are a natural matter, you need to be alert if mood swings start to affect social life. If that's the case, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor quickly. Because it could be that a very extreme mood change is a sign of a psychological disorder.

II. Binding Emotions

The easiest method to see which kind of music binds to emotions is to see a person's reaction when listening to it. Because, even though emotions are felt by the heart, through the brain, emotional stimulus will be communicated. Another study also shows that music can stimulate emotions through specific brain circuits. So, you don't need to be surprised to see people dancing, gossiping, or confusion when listening to music.

III. Restore Memory

A 2009 research from the University of California found that music can make a person reconnect with past memories. Maybe this is why many people listen to music for nostalgia. Because, not only reminding about past memories, a song that has special memories can also cause the same emotions as in the past. Maybe this is why there are people who get carried away (baper) while listening to certain songs.

IV. Neuroplasticity

In this case, music affects emotions in an extraordinary way. Because, neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to improve connections and find alternative ways to memory, emotions, and physical systems such as speech skills. When the brain is damaged, the brain will create a new path to keep playing a maximum role.

One of the tricks is to listen to music therapy. Although it seems trivial, music seems able to stimulate the brain to create new pathways as an improvement effort. This is evidenced in a study from Newscastle University, Australia. The research tells that popular music is often used to accompany patients with brain damage. As a result, the music is able to connect these patients to memories that were previously inaccessible.

Selain itu juga tahu soal Gombang Otak dan Kaitannya dengan Musik untuk Meditasi.

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