JAKARTA - We both know, the top of the mind of the Indonesian people must be Om Iwan if we talk about everlasting. The quality is on from time to time.

The sentence was uttered by Fabio Junot Ardelto as the representative Red Gaung, when met at Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta recently. He talked about Gaung Merah SeGALA's decision to bring Iwan Fals back to appear around Indonesia.

Last year, Iwan Fals and Gaung Merah Segalanya had toured 10 cities, and this year they will visit 25 cities, namely Cirebon, Tasikmalaya, Kotabumi, Palembang, Dumai, Padang, Pontianak, Manado, Palu, Makassar, Lhokseumawe, Padang Sidempuan, Pematang Siantar, Denpasar, Jember, Kediri, Surabaya, Magelang, Solo, Tegal, Purwokerto, Bogor, Serang, and Jakarta.

Fabio Junot said the city elections above had their own considerations, all of which already had emotional closeness to Gaung Merah. They also want to greet people who have missed meeting Iwan Fals in person.

Last year we had a lot of people in the provincial capital, because the fans are Om Iwan and what we are targeting for everlasting is not only the provincial capital, people outside the provincial capital also visit. There must be a lot of fans, Om Iwan," said Fabio Junot.

Iwan Fals also saw that Gaung Merah's visit to cities and regencies was rarely found at major events, namely Pematang Siantar, Kotabumi, Dumai, Lhokseumawe, and Padang Sidempuan. According to him, the people there also have the same need for entertainment.

Pematang Siantar people also know the song 'Intimacy', 'Allow Me To Love You' and other songs. Especially now that the world has been thumbs up. I think human needs everywhere are the same," said Iwan Fals.

Bahkan, pelantun 'Sarjana Muda' itu menyatakan kesiapannya jika harus tampil ke daerah yang lebih jauh dari kota. Baginya, bertemu dengan orang dari kebudayan berbeda jadi pengalaman tersendiri yang begitu berharga.

Still the same as last year's event, Gaung Merah also targets not only Iwan Fals fans, but also the wider community, especially young people. Given the spirit of this event also to appreciate the everlasting Indonesian works,

"As for the target (of the audience), we want to know as much (this event) and convey this message with Om Iwan. Last year, we were approximately 20-45 thousand viewers, the average is 25-30 thousand, the highest number is 45 thousand," said Fabio.

"For viewers, it is limited, children are not allowed, it must be 18 years and over. But last year many were young, and they knew my song. Hopefully this year there will also be many young people coming. Because by looking at them I became enthusiastic again," said Iwan.

Iwan Fals did not appear alone, Gaung Merah SeGALA will also bring special guests such as T'KOOS Band and other well-known singers. With the concept of "One Stop Entertainment of Everlasting Experience", this event will also be filled with screenings of films and special Indonesian culinary offerings.

Gaung Merah SeGALAnya will be held in every city by choosing an open field as the location of the event. They want anyone who attends to be able to enjoy the event comfortably and safely.

"Kalau dari tahun lalu sampai yang akan berjalan, pasti kenyamanan dan keamanan yang selalu kita coba bergangan dan pastikan bersama dengan semua crew yang berjalan," kata Fabio.

The Red Gaung SeGALA 2024 will open in Sukabumi, on June 8, 2024. The event will continue to the city and district which have been mentioned until February 2025. Further information can be seen through Gaung Merah's official Instagram account at @gaung_merah.

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