JAKARTA - Maliq & D Essentials released a new album titled 'Can Machines Fall in Love?' to commemorate their 22 years of travel in the music industry. This album contains seven songs, including Oh' and We Make Romantic which go viral on social media.

Asked about his latest album, Angga Puradiredja (vocals) without hesitation mentions Can Machines Fall in Love? as the best album ever produced by Maliq & D Essentials.

"This one (album) if I say the best album is Maliq," said Angga Puradiredja in Senayan, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 29.

Previously, Angga thought that 1st, the debut album released in 2005, was the best album. However, the title changed after successfully working on the latest album.

"Previously I thought the best album Maliq was the first album, because at that time we were in the process of creating it really flowed, there was no burden and pressure, suddenly it broke," said Angga.

"The difference is the same, we have the same taste but our knowledge, our infrastructure, our team is much more complete. So, we think the moments we have can be captured more fully," he continued.

Furthermore, Angga revealed three basic things that formed the album "Can Machines Fall in Love", namely elements of pop, romanticism, and gyrove.

Karena Maliq DNA-nya cuma tiga, yaitu pop, romantic, dan gyrovy. Tiga ini selalu ada, dan kali ini juga ada, pungkas Angga Puradiredja.

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