JAKARTA - Some time ago Ozzy Osbourne threw a discourse to the public about Black Sabbath's plan to hold one last concert. Although fans almost certainly give their blessing, the personnel actually have their own opinion.
About a month ago, Ozzy invited Bill Ward to reunite. But until now the drummer has not given any statement.
Meanwhile guitarist Tony Iommi showed a gamang attitude regarding the plan. Through an interview on SiriusXM's radio program, he expressed his opinion about the Black Sabbath reunion if it really happened later.
"Ide itu (show final Black Sabbath) adalah hal yang senenang untuk dilakukan, tapi apakah akan benar-benar terjadi, itu masalah lain lagi. Kita lihat saja nanti," ujarnya dilansir dari NME.
In his statement, Tony Iommi hinted that the reunion would occur at a 'pas' price.
"I have to be realistic with my passion now. I can no longer go out and go on a two-year tour like I used to. And to be able to bring together the original Sabbath or whatever, it will definitely take a long time because there is an expensive price to make it happen," he said.
In the end, he said one last show would be possible.
"But it would be nice if this reunion happened for just one show," concluded the Black Sabbath player.
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