JAKARTA - Since some time ago Linkin Park has been rumored to have a new vocalist. Starting from the narrative of Jay Gordon which is busy in cyberspace, the issue continues to grow.

Most recently, the band Nu Metal is said to be holding a reunion concert in 2025. Billboard reported that Mike Shinode et al will attend with female vocalists who will replace the role of Chester Bennington who has passed away.

It's not easy to find someone who can have the abilities and charisma like Chester. Because of this fans responded to the issue of new vocalists with pros and cons.

Some of them rejected any new vocalists, including the selection of female singers.

"Please don't bring a female vocalist, this will drown your band's career. He will not be able to compete with Chester's greatness, because it is difficult to find a suitable replacement," said one fan at Linkin Park's Instagram post.

Apart from that, many also support whatever decision Linkin Park will make. Keeping the band's legacy is important, but there's nothing wrong with starting again with something new.

Previously Amy Lee, vocalist of Evanescence, was rumored to be the vocalist of Linkin Park. He denied the rumors, but did not refuse if invited to become a collaborative partner. Will it happen?

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