JAKARTA - For almost two years Bounty Ramdhan has been the drummer for the session for Sheila On 7. Thomas Ramdhan's son first appeared with Duta cs in July 2022. Through the latest video uploaded on the Sheila On 7 Tv YouTube channel, the Ambassador talked about Bounty's first appearance with the band at the 2022 Jogja Volkswagen Festival. Duta menyebut pemilihan Bounty untuk posisi drumer berjalan secara singkat dan sembalik kebetulan. " “ Now the one who plays with us is my boss on the keyboard, there is Elang on the acoustic guitar, there is Bounty on the drums,” said Duta, launching Sheila On 7 Tv's YouTube channel, Sunday, April 14. “ That's just a practice with Bounty at first accidentally too. Because coincidentally Eross told the story after meeting Mas Dewa Budjana, then Bounty joined, then invited him to jam, ” he continued. The choice of Bounty to fill an empty position is deemed appropriate, he will also appear with Sheila On 7 on this year's Indonesian tour. Duta merasa kehadiran anak dari bassis Gigi itu memberi energi baru untuk Sheila On 7. Ia berharap penggemar juga bisa merasakannya.
"Now, thank God, who played with Sheila On 7, gave her new energy for Sheila On 7's stage performance. Yes, hopefully, in the not too distant future, friends who watch Sheila On 7 can feel the energy too,” concluded the Ambassador.

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