Out Of Soegi Bornean, Fanny Soegi Joins Management Vindes
Fanny Soegi (Photo: Instagram @vtmnd.id)

JAKARTA - Fanny Soegi said goodbye to the Soegi Bornean music group some time ago. Now he is starting a new journey as a soloist.

Fanny joins VtmnD, Vindes' creative management. VtmnD's latest upload marks the start of their cooperation.

"Welcome on board, let's work together @fannysoegi," wrote the VtmnD account in the photo caption, March 19.

Along with the announcement, Fanny also announced the release date of her new single. Titled Dharma, Fanny's first solo work will arrive tomorrow, Thursday, March 21.

In this work, Bagas was also involved, who is the guitarist of Soegi Bornean. With a new spirit, music lovers will be presented with the soft vocals of Fanny Soegi and poetic lyrics that will touch the soul.

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