JAKARTA - Zack de la Rocha is still loyal to his struggle in voicing the release of Palestine. Last weekend, the vocalist of Rage Against the Machine was known to have joined the march with demonstrators in Los Angeles, United States. His photo while with the demonstrators was also circulating on social media, and he was said to have been active during the meeting, shouting anti-war slogans while demanding the safety and human rights of the Palestinian people. "We lined up together and sang the song Merdeka, Merdeka, Palestine!” said a demonstrator, citing MetalSucks, Wednesday, March 6. The presence of de la Rocha at the demonstrators parade was nothing strange, he also did the same thing in Washington DC in November 2023. To join the parade, the 54-year-old singer was not even present when the Rage Against the Machine was sworn in at the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. There was only Tom Morello at the inauguration. At that time, the famous hardline videographer Hat5six shared a photo of himself with De la Rocha among the protesters. “300,000 of us marched in DC today to support Palestinian self-determination and call for an end to Israeli genocide. Mobile service stopped live broadcasts but I met Zack de la Rocha who came out for the parade,” he said.
We briefly talk about how this is a critical point in history. People are starting to realize how interrelated the liberation struggle is, from Ferguson to Gaza, ” he concluded.

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