JAKARTA - Dino Hamid as Chair of the Indonesian Music Promoter Association (APMI) talked about Singapore's success in presenting Taylor Swift's Eras Tour exclusive concert in Southeast Asia. Reflecting on the Taylor Swift case, Dino admitted that there were difficulties from Indonesian music promoters to compete with Singapore, which received financial support from its government. “ If Singapore is a tourism for them all out and all. As the information is, for Taylor Swift, they support 3 million US dollars, which is 45 billion rupiah, ” said Dino Hamid when met in Gambir, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, March 5. "“ Well, it will certainly be a good bargaining position for the promoter, Live Nation, to make Taylor Swift's concert exclusive, Southeast Asia at least," he continued. Dino also mentioned that many Indonesian music promoters had difficulty presenting exclusive concerts for foreign musicians in the country. The reason is, there must be a higher price offer. "Because if we want to be exclusive here, we have to double rate or triple rate," he said. Talking about music performances in Indonesia that are again excited after the pandemic, Dino said that there must be changes made to be better, especially since there is a new era that must also be adjusted.
“ The understanding of the macro and micro economic impact on the performance industry, I think it still needs to be explored. Because as I said, our industry (music show) has just grown and got great attention after the pandemic, especially in the current era, which is digital and different before the pandemic, ” concluded Dino Hamid.

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