JAKARTA - Frontman unit Christian rock Stryper, Michael Sweet said he was happy to hear Jon Bon Jovi improve after the Bon Jovi frontman underwent surgery due to a band-of-noise injury.

In Pollstar Live's panel on Wednesday and Hulu's panel for the Television Critics Association on Friday, Jon confirmed that he underwent a "massive reconstruction operation" on his vocal band and reflected on his impact on his life.

The operation was carried out 19 months ago, according to People magazine.

Sweet, through her social media, then shared Jon's photo and included the following message: "I hope this man is fine. Although my vocal problems are different, I definitely feel he has no complete control over my sound band. My problem is based on some stiffness in the folding and the presence of rather large bintiles around my folds and starting to affect my clarity and reach. Now that I've been undergoing surgery (the thyroid lift/nodule/kanker), hopefully I'll be in better shape after we started the tour.

It feels very frustrating to have to go out night after night in front of so many people and can't do what you always do appear 100%, he continued. "Then you add to the fact that anyone and everyone can record you and post them and comment. And unfortunately (often) those comments are evil and negative and sometimes truly hateful and terrifying," he continued.

"I'm very happy to hear that @jonbonjovi has improved and is doing everything he can to solve this problem and give his best performance. What else can you ask for?

"Jon doesn't need to prove anything. He's a legend," concluded Sweet.

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