This Pair Shows Hard Music Can Also Be A Romantic Song
A husband and wife compactly sang the song Killing Me Inside (Instagram @stupidic16)

JAKARTA - When talking about romantic music that is usually a memory of a couple, songs from the pop, R&B, soul or jazz genres will appear.

Songs with the theme of falling in love with gentle melodies, or vice versa, cheerful music with flowering nuances, are usually described as romantic songs for lovers.

However, this concept does not apply to Dicky and his wife. The two actually look romantic when singing loud music with a distinctive scream.

Through the Instagram account @stuvidic16, Dicky uploaded a video of himself and his wife singing the song Torment from Killing Me Inside.

Karaokean lagu roman (not). Karaokean berteria (ya), wrote Dicky in the caption of Instagram uploads, seen Wednesday, February 7.

Warganet was made to accompany Dicky and his wife who are compact with the same taste of music. They are seen as a unique couple.

"Seriously asking, looking for a partner like this, where are you, in today's era?" write the account @rha*** in the comments column.

"Keren, couple goals bet bang. Pasti dulu dulu sama street team," komentar akun @ysf***.

"This is a romantic category. Great bro," wrote the account @soe ***.

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