JAKARTA - Celine Dion's presence became the biggest surprise that occurred at the peak ceremony for the 2024 Grammy Awards which was held at the Crypto.com Arena, Los Angeles, United States on Sunday, February 4 local time.

The Power of Love singer came on stage to announce the winner in the Album of the Year category.

After his name was mentioned by the host Trevor Noah, Celine Dion's appearance on stage was immediately greeted by a standing opportunity by all the musicians present.

Thank you everyone. I love you. You guys look charming," Celine Dion said after getting a standing opportunity.

"When I said I was happy to be here, I really felt it. Those who have been blessed to attend the Grammy Awards should not waste the incredible love and joy that music has given to our lives and people around the world," he said again.

On that occasion, Celine gave the Grammys to Taylor Swift who was the winner of the Album of the Year category through the Midnights album.

Meanwhile, Celine Dion's presence at the 2024 Grammy Awards was a surprise after she became known to have Stiff-Person Syndrome. He last appeared in public while attending Katy Perry's inauguration in November 2023.

After disappearing from the public spotlight, Claudette Dion, Celine's brother routinely gave the latest news regarding the diva's condition to his fans.

In December 2023, Claudette revealed that the disorders suffered had affected Celine's ability to walk and sing, so all live shows and tour schedules had to be stopped.

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