JAKARTA - Franki Indrasmoro or better known as Pepeng, former drummer Naif also highlighted the case of song piracy which has recently surfaced again. He is well aware that many song hijackers have not been revealed to the public.

According to Franki, current technological developments have made the piracy of songs considered 'ordinary', especially since the knowledge of copyright among the perpetrators is still minimal.

The musician, who once studied fine arts at the Jakarta Arts Institute, also asked singers or musicians whose songs were hijacked to face problems with a cool head.

"So, I think the artist is just cool-headed, don't get emotional easily. There's a way, just take down," said Franki Indrasmoro when contacted by VOI, Monday, January 22.

However, Franki also reminded that cover singers and musicians should also be more concerned about copyright. The reason is, he sees that not all cases of song piracy are carried out with malicious intent.

"Things like this that haven't been socialized much. Personally, I myself can't blame the person who uploaded it without permission, I can't completely blame them. Because sometimes they don't understand, they don't mean to be bad. Sometimes I don't understand, "he said.

Furthermore, Franki Indrasmoro also invited musicians who understand better to participate in socializing copyright. For him it is important to provide understanding to the public.

"So that everyone understands, the ecosystem can also be balanced. Industry players should not only think about their own welfare and think about their own money, but also have to be able to give understanding to the community," concluded Franki Indrasmoro.

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