JAKARTA - Erdian Aji Prihartanto alias Anji revealed a list of songs he wrote that never produced royalties from concerts, even though some of these songs were well known and often featured in music concerts.

The songs are With Stars (Drives), Missing You (D'Masiv), Breaking Up Or Continuing (Judika), Splitting Is Easy (Rizky Febian And Mikha Tambayong), About You (Lyodra), And Believe Me And Tired Of Being Trained By Rindu (Chintya Gabriella).

"I CAN'T GET ROYALTI FROM the live/concer stage for some of these songs, apart from other songs that I wrote and brought. This is not to insinuate the singer/musicians, but this is the truth," Anji wrote in an Instagram upload, Monday, January 16.

There are several factors that Anji again mentioned as the reason why he did not receive royalties from these songs.

"The organizers don't want to pay. LMK/LMKN also don't take legal steps. But musicians always say 'Songwriters get their rights from LMK/LMKN'," wrote Anji.

"So on. When talking about the songwriter's rights from live performances, what is always talked about is positive law. The songwriters feel they have not had their rights for years, until they finally ban the song from being used, until their rights are given," he continued.

Anji also proposed several points that have been echoed several times with the All-Indonesian Composter Association (AKSI). He said that singers and musicians, as well as management, must actively encourage concert organizers to pay royalties properly and correctly.

"The point is, which can accelerate the fulfillment of the economic rights of songwriters from live/stage/concer performances, is the role of musicians and their management, because they communicate directly with the event organizers," said Anji.

"Let's give each other information. It's not the singers who pay, but we have to remind them that the economic rights of songwriters must also be fulfilled, because otherwise the event violates the law. We can also get hit," he said.

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