JAKARTA - Voice of Baceprot (VoB) is known as an Indonesian band that has successfully penetrated the global market. They have held tours in Europe and North America.

In fact, VoB has appeared abroad more often than in its own country. In the past years, their appearance in Indonesia every year can be counted with fingers.

However, recently VoB mentioned its intention to hold a tour in Indonesia. They want to appear more and greet Indonesian music lovers.

"Maybe I feel like there are more viewers overseas for music," said Siti when met at SCBD, South Jakarta on Tuesday, January 9.

"But we are happy because we will greet the audience more often in Indonesia. Because previously we rarely met, at least two to three gigs a year," said Marsya.

Speaking of the experience of holding tours in the United States, Marsya admitted that he was quite tired because almost every day VoB appeared on different stages, and even had to take a long journey.

"(Tur di Amerika Serikat) lelah, karena itu hampir tidak setiap hari. Kalaupun ada waktu berlasan kita pindah ke kota yang jauhnya 10 jam perjalanan darat. Dengan sampa tidur yang 3 sampai 4 jam. Tapi ya happy-happy saja," tutut Marsya.

Furthermore, Marsya said the personnel had returned and settled in Garut. In 2024, they want to undergo a creative process from their hometown.

"Incidentally we built our own studio in Garut. This year officially moved to Garut again, live there. So, everything is managed there. In addition, the creative process continues, we produce songs and want many gigs in Indonesia. Want to tour in Indonesia," concluded Marsya.

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