JAKARTA - Chaka Khan said he would no longer tour because his life was already rich.

Khan said in an interview with Rolling Stone that he had no plans to fully retire from a live show, but intended to stop to tour.

Unraveling his decision, Khan said that he now has more to do in his life than just music.

"Some people, that's all they have, know? I have a rich life. I have a great-grandson that I want to know better. So I'm not going to tour anymore. I'm going to have a concert at some point, but it won't look like a tour. The distance will be far enough so I have time to sleep between the two."

When asked if she would retire completely, she said: "Well, I might do it three or four times, like other female musicians do."

Khan also talked about his music legacy which he said he didn't really care about.

"I hope some of my work can last a long time, but if not, that's because hopefully a better musician will emerge," Khan said.

"I hope that this art form doesn't become chaotic because of stupid things - today's kids think that every instrument can be played on keyboards. Instruments should be introduced once again to these kids."

Khan himself recently teamed up withulan Bicycle Club for the songten 2.

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