JAKARTA - When you focus your mind and do meditation, the brain works to send waves to the hormonal system, thus producing hormones that can trigger calm. These waves are known as brain waves.

When the brain waves work, the hormone system can produce various hormones with various reactions based on the conditions you are experiencing. You can also experience pleasure, sadness, anxiety, and calm as a result of the operation of the brain waves.

These brain waves then play a major role in determining how you feel when listening to music for meditation or music in any genre. Basically, each individual has five types of brain waves which are believed to represent the spectrum of human consciousness instinctively. Anything?

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1. Delta waves

This slowest type of brain wave has a very low frequency range, ranging from 0.5-3 Hz. Delta waves occur when you are sleeping and doing mindful activities such as meditation. These waves are believed to play a role in the healing process and improve sleep quality.

2. Theta waves

Theta waves are often associated with memory and spatial navigation abilities. These waves also occur when you sleep and focus your thoughts. The theta wave ranges from 3-8 Hz.

3. Alpha waves

When the brain is still but alert, such as when daydreaming or meditating, alpha waves appear.

This wave can also appear when you do repetitive sports such as aerobic exercise. The alpha wave frequency range is 8-12 Hz.

4. Beta waves

When you are conscious, alert, focused, and in the midst of solving a problem, beta waves will dominate the brain. Its fast wave activity ranges from 12-30 Hz.

5. Gamma waves

Gamma waves occur when the brain simultaneously scans information. This wave is also associated with a higher level of consciousness.

The gamma wave frequency range ranges from 25-100 Hz. Generally, these waves travel at a frequency of 40 Hz.

In addition to the five types of brain waves above, humans can also experience advanced types of brain waves such as Hyper-Gamma with a frequency of exactly 100 Hz, and Lambda waves with a frequency of exactly 200 Hz. Based on research by the Center for Acoustic Research, these two waves are related to supernatural and metaphysical abilities.

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Train brain waves with music for meditation

Each individual experiences brain wave changes that are unique to each level of consciousness. These brain wave patterns can determine your psychological state.

To stimulate the brain to produce waves with the frequency you need, brain wave therapy can be a solution. This therapy is claimed to increase IQ, improve sleep quality and overcome mental disorders.

In practice, brain wave therapy can be done in two ways, through sound stimulation or flashes of light. The way it works is by stimulating the brain to produce certain hormones so that it can affect a person's mood and attitude.

The most popular and widely used today is brain wave therapy utilizing sound technology or what is known as music for meditation. Basically, this therapy uses sound waves that are arranged in a certain frequency, then they are listened repeatedly to affect the brain's response.

When the frequency of the sound is regulated, the brain will respond and produce hormones according to the desired frequency.

Benefits of music for meditation

Besides functioning to stimulate the brain to produce certain hormones so that it can affect the mood you need, music basically has various effects on the body and mind.

Numerous studies have shown that listening to music can affect the respiratory system and heart rate, stimulate the immune system, and improve the cognitive and emotional centers of the brain. Even when listening to music for meditation that can make you relax. This condition occurs because music functions:

• Slows breathing • Lower heart rate • Lower blood pressure • Calms the nervous system • Relieves muscle tension • Triggers the release of sleep hormones, including serotonin and oxytocin • Reduces sleep-blocking hormones, such as cortisol

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Sample music for meditation

After knowing the benefits, this time Era.id will share a series of recommended meditation music that can stimulate brain waves to produce a calming mood. Quoting from the Vulture page, here are musical references for meditation that you should listen to.

• Tony Scott, Music for Yoga Meditation (1972) • Steve Hillage, Rainbow Dome Music (1979) • Craig Kupka, Clouds (1981) • Brian Eno, Thursday Afternoon (1985) • Laraaji, Essence / Universe (1987) • Henry Wolff and Nancy Hennings, Tibetan Bells III (1988) • Pauline Oliveros / Stuart Dempster / Panaiotis, Deep Listening (1989) • Eliane Radigue, Trilogie de la Mort (1998) • Gas, Pop (2000)

Not only are stimulated by music for meditation, brain waves also occur naturally

Apart from using the help of technology such as music to obtain the required brain wave frequencies, basically brain wave therapy can be carried out naturally and occurs unconsciously in everyday life. This condition occurs when:

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Enjoy the waves on the beach

You are listening to an average of 10 sounds per second while sitting on the beach while enjoying the waves. Your brain responds to this activity by producing alpha waves at a frequency of 10 Hz, so you feel calm and peaceful.

Drive at night

When driving at a certain speed at night, you will see an average of 20 light sources per second. The light source comes from street lights, buildings and other vehicles.

When this happens, the brain automatically produces beta waves with a frequency of 20 Hz. This causes you to be more alert when driving.

Meanwhile, when you slow down, you will only see an average of 7 light sources per second. So, the brain will produce tetha waves and cause you to daydream while driving

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