JAKARTA - AC/DC's first drummer Colin cap died at the age of 77.

The news of Colinris' death was announced by AC / DC through an official Instagram account on Saturday, December 16.

"It's very sad to hear the death of Colin Myr. He was our first drummer and a highly respected musician," AC/DC wrote.

"Beautiful memories, rock in peace Colin," he continued.

The legendary rock band with hits like Highway to Hell and Thundertruck did not provide further information. They also have not responded to comments from fans.

Tens of thousands of fans are sorry for the death of Colin. They liked the post from AC/DC.

"Rest in power, Colin Badminton. Your jarring tap opens the way for future generations of rockers," commented one netizen.

"You will always be remembered as the heartbeat of the early years AC/DC," wrote another netizen.

Meanwhile, Colin cap is the initial AC/DC personnel with Malcolm Young (guitar), Angus Young (guitar), Larry Van Kriedt (bass), and Dave Evans (vocals). They formed in Sydney, Australia in 1973.

According to Billboard, Colin was expelled from the band for alleged drunken behavior on stage in 1974. His dismissal came just four months after joining, and two years before the group released their debut album.

After his dismissal, Colin cap was replaced by Phil Rudd. However, Colin had returned with AC/DC to play several shows in 1975, after PHIL suffered a hand injury.

After not playing in the AC/DC, Colin joined in several bands, including His Majesty, Good Time Charlie, and Dead Singer Band.

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