JAKARTA - In an interview with Chris McLernon and Jack Trash of the "Plus One: A Rock N Roll Podcast", former Megadeth bassist David Ellefson spoke about his 59th birthday celebration by attending Metallica's "No Repeat Weekend" concert at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan.

"We were friends with [the people in Metallica]. Of course, we grew up together. My own career is a branch of the Metallica family tree. And I'm glad they said it was Metallica's family and when you were at the concert, you felt like you were part of that family," said Dave.

"They are kind, they are friendly, they are cool people. Their whole organization is a big and well-managed operation. It's like Microsoft in the metal era. And run very well. And then, when the lights go out and concert starts, everything goes away and you watch for many people, four superheroes; for me, four good friends playing, playing great songs, most of whom I am a fan. "

"And I say'most of it', because, you know 'I would definitely say it through The Black Album, of course. Load, Download, I love those albums; all those albums have great songs in them, some couple of great songs. Then after that, look, I'm busy working on my own business and we're all going in different directions there."

"But I think Hardwired [To Self-Destruct] is good. It's a super cool album."

Regarding a marketing campaign around Metallica's latest album, Ellefson said he liked the full appearance of the yellow 72 Seasons album.

"You see the adboards in the UK they put on their social media. It's only yellow with a bit of 'M' tail from the [Metallica] logo. And you know what it is. It's like seeing the Apple logo You see it and there's nothing more to say. I admire it, because like what KISS did for us, Meetallica broke all the big doors and opened the line for our train to pass."

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