JAKARTA - The Federation of Indonesian Musician Unions (FESMI) announced the new management for the 2023-2026 period last week. At the same time, they also highlighted several problems in the Indonesian music industry.

Febrian Nindyo Purbowiseso as the new Secretary General of FESMI also highlighted royalties for songwriters from performing rights who are still considered problematic.

He saw that the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) was still not optimal in collecting royalties, especially from music event organizers.

Riyalti from performing rights is not perfect. So, indeed, we realize that our friends at LMKN are not yet perfect in carrying out their duties," said Febrian Nindyo Purbowiseso at the Kaya Indonesia Gallery, Central Jakarta last week.

"But we also understand that funding from these institutions is absolutely needed to be bigger, because they need more funds to be able to work more efficiently," he continued.

Febrian saw that this condition could not continue. He voiced that musicians have an active role in realizing royalty payments according to the provisions.

According to him, musicians should include royalty payments when establishing a cooperation contract with music event organizers.

"Therefore, instead of continuing to blame, we want to try to provide a solution in the form of a collective agreement that can be started with all of our fellow musicians, to at least put the article on payment for performing rights in our respective contracts, so that EO friends and promoters can be aware of the importance of the law," said Febrian Nindyo Purbowiseso.

"And hopefully from there, LMKN friends can also get more coffers to be able to work better, become more credible institutions that work for the benefit of fellow creators," he concluded.

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