JAKARTA - Marcello Tahitoe alias Ello released a new single titled Do Over today, Friday, October 6. With pride for his new release, he also held a press conference in order to introduce his song to the public.

Ello said his new song had been prepared for a long time, but only now can be released.

"From 2018 I waited until this song came out, finally came out, which means five years. I'm really happy, and the press conference too, according to me is one of the best press conferences I've ever felt," said Marcello Tahitoe after a press conference in Sudirman, Central Jakarta.

In accordance with the title song which means'recurring' in Indonesian, Do Over is a marker of Ello's new phase of music.

Do Over can be quite different from Ello's previous work, which is thicker in rock nuances. However, he didn't want to worry about the genre of the song.

"I don't think anymore what genre this song is. I only express what I've been through while I'm in the music industry," he said.

Even though it was made five years ago, Ello admitted that there was no change in the song Do Over. He is also happy to be working with MK Records which gave him a lot of freedom in working on songs.

"So, there has never been a revision (for the past five years), there has never been any change or anything, because I am satisfied with the song," said Ello.

Marcello Tahitoe's new single, Do Over, can already be heard on various digital music platforms. Meanwhile, video clips can be watched on the MK Records YouTube channel.

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