JAKARTA - The British brand Morris Garage continues to expand in the Australian market, most recently planning to launch its country's first Seven-Seater SUV by the end of next year (2025).
Citing from the Drive page, Wednesday, November 20, the presence of the new SUV is in line with MG's plans to increase sales in pursuit of the best-selling Japanese and South Korean brands.
The name for the latest major MG SUV is not yet known for sure, but will most likely be known as QS, or is expected to be a new version of Roewe RX9, a large SUV sold by MG and parent Roewe SAIC in its domestic market.
This assurance was also disclosed by the Head of Products of MG Motor Australia Akshat Ahuja. However, he said the MG had not yet decided on the name for the SUV.
"Yes, we have another SUV (other than the US and HS), we still decide on that name," he said.
Previously, CEO of MG Motor Australia Peter Total also confirmed the presence of the seven-Seater SUV, but unfortunately when asked in more detail, he did not mention more details about his name.
"For next year there is ZS ICE, HS PHEV and there is also QS next year," said Peter.
The price has yet to be confirmed, but the model could be one of the seven most affordable seats on sale, given the latest HS starting from 33,990 Australian dollars or the range of Rp351 million.
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