Not NOAH, But Peterpan Will Appear At Partypora 2023
Ariel and Lukman NOAH (Instagram @noah_site)

JAKARTA - NOAH will actually appear in the first day of the 2023 Party at Gambir Expo Kemayoran, North Jakarta on Friday, September 22 at 23.45 WIB.

However, two days before the event, Kiki Aulia Ucup as Festival Director of Partypora said that the one who will appear is Peterpan.

"There will be an appearance from NOAH at the Partypora, but the one who appears is Peterpan," said Kiki Aulia Ucup during a press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, September 20 afternoon.

When asked further about the meaning of his statement, Ucup did not want to comment much. He did not want to talk about the details of Peterpan's appearance.

"I didn't say there was a reunion. Anyway, just look at it later," said Ucup.

It is also not discussed about who will appear. Ucup does not want to talk about whether Peterpan personnel such as Andika, Indra, Reza and Uki will participate in the performance.

"I don't know about that, I don't want to talk yet," he said.

"Just wait later. Just look at the announcement later from us," he continued.

Partipora stated that a more detailed announcement about Peterpan's appearance would be given through the Partypora social media upload.

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