Musician Nadin Amizah has again presented his work, this time entitled All Me Celebrated as a celebration of a love journey which he considered beautiful.

This song is in contrast to her last song Rayuan Perempuan Gila because it brings a message that a person can be loved and accepted not only for advantages but also for their shortcomings.

"In the song All Me Dirayakan, I am ready to be Nadin, the twisted version. Because I think the most beautiful thing about loving someone is to be able to reveal it before it's too late, and I will be happy to do that for people who have done it as well as possible," said Nadin as quoted by Antara, Friday.

In this song Nadin wrote about his feeling of being loved well and gently, and he felt lurah from all the chaos that was in him.

In the history of his discography, Nadin Amizah is not used to writing love songs that have positive nuances.

True listeners of Nadin's songs will easily study how Nadin's view of love for him is scary and scared, he seems used to predict the end of the love he has will run aground and become bad.

But this time Nadin showed his courage to fall in love as deeply as possible, past the limits he was afraid of.

Nadin made All Me Dirayan as his first love song to confirm a beautiful relationship until the end of the story. In this song Nadin wants to break the stereotype that showing love is something clich and ridiculous.

Everything is summarized in a warm, five-minute ten-second song that sounds sweet from start to finish.

With the guitar strain plus orchestral arrangements produced by Rifan Kalbuadi, Nadin Amizah again strengthens its roots in bringing the folk genre.

Through an arrangement that is more attached to who Nadin is, he finds confidence to sing a love story that is different from usual.

In simple terms, this is a love letter that Nadin wrote to his lover containing his gratitude and happiness throughout his love journey.

Semua Aku Dirayakan adalah single kedua dari album kedua Nadin Amizah yang akan datang pada akhir tahun nanti.

Tells the story of three continuous phases, now Nadin has reached the second phase, and tells about how it feels to find a beautiful form of love.

While exploring various new sounds and colors of music for his album, the song All Me Dirayakan Nadin seemed to tell the listener that he was still Nadin who had a rooted color.

For those of you who want to dive into love with Nadin through his new works, you can enjoy All Me Dirayakan on various digital streaming platforms in Indonesia.

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