JAKARTA - After releasing their debut single Lepih Indah in 2022, Raissa Ramadhani released her latest single entitled Slowly Release the driver under the label Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia.

Motivated by Clara Riva, Slowly Let go of separating someone who decides to separate from his lover because he finds someone who can appreciate him more.

"Single Slowly Let go of you, it's kind of like a vent song or apologizing to a girl because she has found a new person who appreciates her more," said Raissa Ramadhani, quoted from ANtara, Tuesday.

The choice of Slowly Let go of you as the second single is not without reason. Raissa Ramadhani said she immediately fell in love with the melody and lyrics that reminded her of her previous single.

"I don't know why I immediately remembered my first single when I heard this song, like connecting with the theme in the previous song. That's the story I felt. After separating, we have to move on to a new relationship even though our hearts still hurt," said Raissa Ramadhani.

Raissa also admitted that she was very happy to be working with Clara because she could be invited to discuss her latest single. According to him, Clara is very open to dissecting the single together,

From the first acquaintance and discussing this song, Clara was very open to dissecting her together. In fact, during the recording, she also helped fill out the background voice. This makes me understand more the meaning that you want to convey and can more soul the song," said Aissa.

Apart from Clara Riva, the process of cultivating a single Slowly releases you was also assisted by Irvan Natadiningrat as a vocal director.

Despite launching his first single, Raissa shared that he still faces various challenges during the cultivation of his latest single which took about two months.

"The challenge I feel may be during a workshop because we have to find the right tempo and key to believe in. Finally, a few versions were made for me to try and determine during the recording," said Raissa.

After releasing the second single, Raissa will continue to produce new works to realize her dreams as a singer.

"I am still relatively new in the world of the music industry and there is still a mountain of dreams that I want to make happen. For example, having tens of millions of streams, performing at big festivals, to performing tours while traveling. Just pray for all that can happen," said Raissa.

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