JAKARTA - Talking two-wheeled is very thick with respect to modifications. Yes, not a few two-wheeled users want to look different by making the motorbike more stylish.

This was also done by a young man from Bandung named Kharisma, who chose the Fazzio Hybrid Neo motorbike to modify his kece according to his wishes.

To add to the uniqueness of this motorbike which is also the hallmark of its motorbike, Kharisma made modifications in the form of replacement of body parts in several parts to the addition of unique accessories that can still maintain the modern retro concept.

"Without any modifications, Fazzio's motorbike has actually attracted attention on the road because the design is very compact and has a retro impression but remains modern, even different from other statics in its class. However, to make the motorbike even more eye catchy when it is invited to compete, this motorbike is modified by replacing and adding several unique accessories so that it becomes a unique motorcycle. Therefore, I changed some of the body parts to bright red to look prominent on the road, "said Kharisma, in an official statement from Yamaha received, Thursday, January 30.

Looking more in detail at Kharisma's style of modification, where the nickname 'White Canvas' was given. White is his choice to reflect on the style

more interesting. If you look closely, there is a red part body and a little adds accessories according to the desired taste and style.

"Additional modified accessories such as handguards, disc brake covers, back racks, rack fronts and additional red boxes on the back that make this motorbike look like a cargo bike, all of that can be purchased via e-commerce or social media and the installation process is also quite easy," said Kharisma.

Modern Retro Concept

Skutik yang menjadi pionir Classic Yamaha ini memiliki konsep desain seperti motor scooter retro, tetapi juga terdapat unsur modern-nya, ditunjukkan melalui fitur dan teknologi terkini yang ada di motor ini, seperti speedometer digital dan sudah menggunakan teknologi mesin Hybrid.

"In addition to modifications and additional accessories that are able to complement the driving lifestyle and reflect on the creativity of the owner, I have been interested in buying a retro motorbike from the start. And of course I use this motorbike as a means of daily transportation so that it still needs features to support driving needs," he added.

On the same occasion, Public Relations Manager, YRA & Community PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg Rifki Maulana, revealed that the Fazzio motorbike is indeed one of the various types of Yamaha motorcycles that proves that motorcycles are not only a mode of transportation, but as a means to channel creativity according to the lifestyle and fashion of each of the riders.

"The ease of modifying like 'white canvas' is the advantage of the FAZZIO bike for its users, especially Gen Z, which has a creative lifestyle and likes to express themselves or commonly known as a calcer or skewer style," said Rifki Maulana.

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