Motorcycle driving does not only understand stop and go, but every driver must understand driving ethics to stay safe on the road, and avoid accidents.
Accidents can be caused by several factors, ranging from sleepiness, loss of focus to not memorizing the terrain of the road, and up to the most frequent conditions because motorists overtake vehicles on the line markings. In fact, based on Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, motorists overtaking can be subject to fines or administrative sanctions.
Head of Safety Riding Promotion of PT Wahana Makmur Sejati Agus Sani, said that overtaking is not blamed but knows the correct overtaken ethics, because if it is not true it can pose a danger.
"The danger of appearing for themselves and even other fellow road users. The danger of the worst overtake conditions could arise is causing casualties," he said, in an official statement received Tuesday, January 14.
He further gave what tips should be considered when overtaking the vehicle. So what?
The thing that must be done is to check the road situation in front and back using rear mirrors. Make sure, no other vehicle will overtake from behind, and it is not recommended to overtake at corners, inclines and intersections.
It is important to know that every driver is required to use a sein light before overtaking to notify other drivers. In addition, you can also use a horn or dim light to signal the vehicle in front that it will overtake.
Each driver can increase enough speed so that the maneuver overtakes quickly and safely. As much as possible, overtake from the right because this is a safer side and according to traffic rules.
Make sure the road in front is not porous, slippery, or there are other obstacles that can be dangerous. And avoid distraction such as using a cellphone or talking when you are about to overtake.
"There are many things that need to be considered when you want to overtake the vehicle, besides the focus and understanding of the condition of the road that is passed, it must be done," concluded Agus.
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