JAKARTA White Motorcycle Concepts from England recently released the concept of a new three-wheel electric motor specifically designed for paramedics and emergency response officers. The name WMC300E+ offers an extraordinary charging speed of only 15 minutes.

Launching Visordown, September 7, with an efficient aerodynamic design, WMC300E+ can cover a distance of up to 100 miles (about 161 km) with one full charge. This fast charging capability is possible thanks to the innovative battery technology developed by MAHLE Powertrain. This is very important for emergency response officers who need a fast response time in critical situations.

"This industry faces a huge challenge in producing electric motors with performance equivalent to gasoline-fueled motorcycles. Electric motors are currently more focused on retail needs, while fleet customers, especially emergency response officers, need a high level of availability that is difficult to meet today's existing solutions because of the charging time," said White Motorcycle Concepts Founder and CEO Robert White.

"To fulfill the request, while complying with future regulations and helping to achieve net-zero ambitions of all fleets, it takes clean-sheet engineering thinking and a combination of several innovative technologies," White added.

WMC300E+ uses recycled carbon fiber for some of its components, in line with the company's commitment to sustainability.

One of the advantages of WMC300E+ is the ease of use. Diplomas, police officers, and emergency response officers can drive it with an ordinary car driver's license, so it doesn't require special training. This also makes it more accessible to shipping workers.

White Motorcycle Concepts introduced this trike electric motor at the Cenex Expo 2024, which took place on September 4-5 at UTAC Millbrook.

In addition to fast charging speeds, WMC300E+ also offers extraordinary aerodynamic performance thanks to V-Duct passing through the motor center. This V-Duct reduces aerodynamic barriers, improves performance, stability, and reduces energy consumption.

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