JAKARTA - The higher the number of electric motorcycles in Indonesia, the proof is that various manufacturers have started working on the market (electric motorists), with various new mainstay models that have modern and feature-rich designs.

Including PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) which has launched the EM1 e electric motorbike: it turns out that this one manufacturer will re-launch another model. As revealed by the Vice President Executive Director of AHM Thomas Wijaya.

"The point is this year there will be several more models or more than one that we launched," he told the media crew, recently at the AHM Safety Riding & Training Center.

He further said that the launch of the electric motor from Honda would take place in the second half of this year. However, he did not mention in more detail the launch date.

"Anyway, the second half of this year," he explained.

On the same occasion, the Marketing Director of AHM Octavianus Dwi said the presence of Honda electric motorcycles is a form of a company in supporting the government and listening to consumer needs.

"This year there will be a launch of new products, please wait and we hope to be accepted by consumers," said Octavianus.

Thomas Wijaya said the new electric motor from Honda would be produced in Indonesia. Of course, it is something very interesting to wait for.

Previously, at the IIMS 2024 Honda event, they had exhibited SC e: Concept which has also been displayed on the 2023 Japan Mobility Show (JMS). Will this model be produced in Indonesia?

Closer to this one motorbike, quoted from Honda's official website, the electric motorcycle concept model is designed in such a way as to provide broad convenience and flexibility for the community, where it will use a battery exchange system so that there is not much time wasted on charging. More precisely, two units of Honda Mobile Power Pack e will be powered: an easy-to-exchangeable battery, and one way to expand the use of renewable energy.

"This one model offers smooth, powerful driving and realizes more convenience for everyday mobility," reads Honda's tweet.

When viewed from the design offered, this electric motorbike comes with an elegant look, with a more proper and solid size compared to EM1 e: which has already been marketed in Indonesia.

In addition, referring to the existing silhouette, this one motorbike comes with a wide leg deck, like a conventional motor. Not only that, the seat also looks wide, increasing the comfort of driving.

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