JAKARTA - Polytron electric motorbikes also took part in the INABUYER Electric Vehicle (EV) EXPO 2023, the exhibition of electric motorcycles and the largest ecosystem in the country as a result of collaboration between the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, SMESCO, AISMOLI, and HIPPINDO which took place from November 28 to 30, 2023 at the SMESCO Jakarta Building.

With various innovations and commitments to sustainable mobility, Polytron EV is here to prove that the future of environmentally friendly transportation is not just a dream.

In this exhibition, POLYTRON EV showcased the Fox-R electric motorcycle which is now a mainstay with innovative designs that are not only aesthetic but also pay attention to aerodynamic efficiency.

Performance excels as one of the main attractions of his bike, offering a driving experience that combines speed and reliability, without leaving a carbon footprint.

"Hopefully, the presence of Polytron EV at INABUYER EV EXPO 2023, can increase public interest in buying and wanting to switch to using environmentally friendly electric motors," said Christopher A Wirawan as Business Development from Polytron EV, in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, November 28.

He further said that Fox-R was present to enliven the INABUYER EV EXPO 2023 electric motorcycle exhibition, by campaigning for direct subsidies and fast charging technology.

"With this exhibition, we can all see that the future of electric motorcycles in Indonesia will be brighter and brighter, and Fox-R is an electric motorcycle with a combination of innovative design, the latest technology, and a commitment to the environment," he added.

As previously reported, INABUYER EV EXPO 2023 has a big goal of uniting the entire electric vehicle ecosystem. All parties, ranging from domestic and foreign private buyers, the government, BUMN, to the general public are expected to attend this event.

The main focus of this exhibition is to support the acceleration of the battery-based electric vehicle program and its ecosystem in Indonesia. In addition, INABUYER EV EXPO 2023 also aims to introduce a government subsidy program worth IDR 7 million as incentives for industry players.

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