JAKARTA - Normally, changing motorcycle tires takes a long time, but not a few two-wheeled riders have to spend more quickly to replace a tire.

It turned out that there were several causes of damaged motorcycle tires, including the carelessness of the driver himself.

Quoted from the FDR page, Wednesday, October 4, many of the causes of fast tire damage, one of which is overloaded with luggage. Even though it is clearly stated in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, where the motorbike is not intended as a means of public transportation and goods.

How to brake a driver can also be one of the culprits. Where the tire will experience wear spots or damage marked by damage in certain parts. This condition occurs because two-wheeled users often brake suddenly.

"Usually it's random tire pressure, even though it is recommended for the front tires the pressure is 29 PSI and the back 33," said Andi Saeful, a Ban Planetary Technician, Depok, to VOI.ID, some time ago.

In addition, other factors that cause frequent holes. This condition is certainly closely related to how to use motorbikes while on the road.

So, many things can shorten the life of the tires, for that it is mandatory to pay attention to the above.

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