JAKARTA - The Leapmotor of a Chinese car brand that has been around since 2015 and selling cars from 2018, has produced a lineup of fully electric-powered models to a range expander (fuel engines coupled with electric motors).
Based on VOI's monitoring on one of the automotive influencer Instagram pages @indra_fathan, one of the models caught on camera is being tested, namely the T03 Leapmotor which has been sold in China since 2020.
The car was seen using the DKI Jakarta number plate and is charging batteries at one of the locations estimated to be in Jakarta.
Of course, the question is whether this car will also enter Indonesia? Given that the brand last year suppressed cooperation agreements with Stellantis, a manufacturer that houses various well-known brands such as Jeep, Citroen Peugeot to Maserati and will expand to various countries around the world.
In fact, Stellantis revealed more information about its plans including presenting the T03 electric hatchback for the Malaysian to French markets.
For those who are curious about the specifications, this urban car has a length of 3,620 mm, a width of 1,652 mm and a height of 1,605 mm with a wheelbase of 2,400 mm.
Referring to specifications in China, T03 is equipped with an e-motor of 40 kW, 55 kW, and 80 kW as well as a choice of 21.6 kWh, 31.9 kWh, and 41.3 kWh batteries, which can cover a distance of 200 to 403 km.
Regarding prices in the country of origin, this car is priced from 49,900 to 69,900 yuan or around Rp. 111 million to Rp. 156 million.
It is very interesting if this one model will enter Indonesia, considering that more and more brands from China have come to decorate the electric vehicle market in the country.
Moreover, last year the brand registered the Official News of Industrial Design No.59/DI/2023 patent released by the Directorate of Copyright and Industrial Design of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
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