JAKARTA- Not a few four-wheeled users forget to flip the car's AC button to zero when they get out of the car in an engine condition. Are you included? It turns out that this condition is not justified, especially when it is repeated.

According to Angga Yudistira, Brand Manager, Rotary Auto, Jakarta, there will be potential hazards when it continues to be carried out, especially from the car's own electrical system.

"There is still a potential danger that the electricity system can be disrupted, and can eat power batteries," he told VOI in Jakarta on October 8.

Furthermore, the man who is familiarly called Angga said that the car battery would not break, but could be stuck when the condition was repeated.

"When the power battery has been eaten continuously, it can be difficult to start a car, and it can also affect other electricity flows in several electrical components," he added.

For this reason, he recommends that every four-wheeled user must be more careful when getting out of the car, make sure the AC knop is as recommended so as not to affect the electricity system.

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