JAKARTA - On August 26, 1980, actor Macaulay Culkin was born into this world. Macaulay Culkin is best known as Kevin, for his role in Home Alone. Home Alone gave Culkin the fame he is today. Home Alone became the highest-grossing film of 1990 and spawned a slightly less successful sequel, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York in 1992.

Home Alone is not Culkin's first film. Culkin started his acting career at the age of four and made his first appearance on the theater stage. Culkin studied the performing arts extensively, including training at Balanchine's School of the American Ballet and appearing in numerous television commercials. Culkin's big screen debut was 'Rocket Gibraltar' in 1988. Culkin's acting was so captivating when he acted in the comedy film in 1989, 'Uncle Buck.' From his role in Uncle Buck, he became Hollywood's favorite child actor.

Citing Biography, Macaulay Culkin also impressed audiences and critics with his sincere and charming performance as the best friend of a troubled young girl in the tearful film 'My Girl' in 1991. His subsequent films, including 'The Good Son' in 1993 and Richie Rich in 1994. Unfortunately, the film was unsatisfactory and Culkin's popularity began to wane.

Culkin, who has worked since he was a child, was again under pressure when his parents Patricia Brentrup and Christopher (Kit) Cultin separated in March 1995 after living together for more than 20 years. Since then, the two have been embroiled in a bitter child custody battle. Macaulay Culkin's parents are his managers. The two of them fought not only over who would raise the children but, in all likelihood, over who would continue to manage Macaulay Culkin's career and fortune.

Patricia Brentrup and Kit Culkin share a 15 percent commission on their son's income and the remainder goes into a trust fund. The practice is legal but controversial, although some child rights advocates defend it. Brentrup eventually won custody.

However, after a custody dispute between Culkin's mother and father, he sued his parents to remove them as legal guardians in order to control his then wealth of 17 million US dollars. The family's accountant, Billy Breitner, was ultimately in charge of the finances of Culkin, who was 15 at the time until he was 18. Culkin is also slowly absent from the public eye.

After a long hiatus, Culkin appeared in 2003. Culkin starred in Party Monster, a true story about the ups and downs of a club promoter. Other films include Saved! and Sex and Breakfast in 2007.

Macaulay Culkin (Instagram @culkamania)

Drug abuse

In September 2004, Culkin was arrested by authorities in Oklahoma for possessing 17.3 grams of marijuana and two substances he had not prescribed. He was given a one-year prison term but suspended and charged a court fee of USD 450.

Many have speculated that Culkin's long absence from Hollywood was due to drugs taking over his life. Many tabloids document Culkin's appearance, which looks thin, wrinkled, and has a blank stare. But Culkin has a view regarding the use of illegal drugs.

"I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't taken drugs in my life at some point or another", Culkin said in an interview quoted by the IB Times in 2020.

On the other hand, Culkin admits that taking drugs is foolish even though he has had some "enlightening experiences" and doesn't regret it. But he rejected claims that he was addicted to drugs.

"So other than muscle relaxants, no, I don't use recreational drugs", Culkin said. “I really like (drugs) and (drugs) like old friends. But sometimes you have your own space from your friends".

Culkin never equated taking drugs with happiness. In fact, Culkin thought that one could have fun without being truly happy and vice versa.

“You can have both (having fun and being happy). Just don't confuse the two”, said Culkin, further stating that experiencing euphoria because of drugs doesn't mean he's found happiness.

“I have been accused of having a drug problem, but none of the allegations are true. Drugs were the easiest thing I've ever done in my life", Culkin said.

Culkin briefly returned to acting by appearing in a film made by his friend, Seth Green, entitled Changeland. Culkin even auditioned for Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, although Culkin was not very active in acting. But Macaulay Culkin will continue to have the image of a successful Hollywood child actor.

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