Seeing The Way Of Learning Indonesian Father Of Technology BJ Habibie Who Was Born Today June 25, 1936
BJ Habibie (Facebook/BJ Habibie)

JAKARTA - On June 25, 1936, the Third President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie was born into this world. Apart from being a statesman, he is also known as the Father of Indonesian Technology for being the first person to successfully build an airplane in this country. The question is, how to learn the genius figure of Habibie whose name is respected by Germany and even the world?

Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi. He is the fourth of eight children.

Since childhood, Habibie has had an optimistic attitude and does not care about things that are out of his control. "I'm sweet boy, not a problem maker child," said Habibie, quoted from the book Biography of Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, written by A Makmur Makka.

In addition, Habibie has also shown a high interest in science since childhood. Habibie only played when he had finished his homework. After finishing his homework, he chooses to play Blokken and will load the flying ship.

BJ Habibie (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Citing various sources, Habibie is known since childhood only takes 4-5 hours to sleep. The rest, he uses his senses to absorb the surrounding environment and analyze it. This is what makes Habibie so smart and has a sharp mind.

This habit is supported by Habibie's hobby of reading. Even Habibie spends about 7.5 hours a day reading and writing. Habibie's habits make him a person who has broad insight and knowledge.

Because of his genius, Habibie also has the nickname Mr Crack. He contributed greatly to global aircraft technology. His name is attached to the name of the theorem in the field of thermodynamics.

Habibie's Theorem, also known as Crack Propagation Theory, helps to solve problems that cause many airplane accidents. This theory provides a mathematical calculation formulation to find potential fractures in the fuselage frame. The technical term for this fracture is crack.

The name Mr Crack is an acknowledgment of Habibie's ability to solve problems in the aviation world. Habibie's Saai formulation received global appreciation along with the momentum of using jet engines to propel aircraft, fulfilling propeller technology.

Suharto's successor
BJ Habibie takes the oath as president of the Republic of Indonesia (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Quoting Kompas, Habibie became president on May 21, 1998. Habibie was the key to Indonesia's transition from the New Order regime to the Reformation Period. Habibie laid a number of foundations for the government system that has been running until now. One of them is the disclosure of information. In the Habibie government, there was freedom of the press with the existence of Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press.

In addition, Habibie initiated Bank Indonesia (BI), which was independent and free from government influence, removing it from the executive power structure. Independence gives BI the flexibility to manage the monetary sector.

At that time, the strengthening of the rupiah, whose exchange rate had touched Rp. 16,800 per US dollar, occurred after the monetary crisis. The highest exchange rate for the rupiah during Habibie's time was Rp. 6,500 per US dollar. Habibie also made preparations for the 1999 General Election which was the first post-New Order democratic election.

However, Habibie's reign was short. Habibie became President of Indonesia for 17 months or only ruled until October 20, 1999. Habibie was demanded to resign because he was deemed unable to carry out the mandate of reform, especially the trial for Suharto. At the 1999 MPR Special Session, 13 November 1999, Habibie's accountability speech was rejected by the MPR. This caused Habibie to cancel his candidacy for president.

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