JAKARTA - On June 3, 1947, President Soekarno inaugurated the Indonesian National Army (TNI). The TNI was established after the unification of the Indonesian Republic Army (TRI) with the people's struggle armies.

The TNI was the result of the struggle of the Indonesian people to defend the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence from the threat of the Dutch who at that time tried to return to power through gun violence. Citing various sources, the TNI was previously known as the People's Security Agency (BKR).

BKR was formed on August 23, 1945, under the Indonesian National Committee (KNI). But the BKR is not the only official Indonesian army body. At that time BKR was formed to maintain regional security and help victims after the war of independence.

BKR was also tasked with providing a sense of security for the community, considering that the war for independence had just ended and the atmosphere was not yet stable. BKR members themselves are former members of PETA, Heiho, and Koninklijke Nederlands Indische Leger or the Royal Dutch East Indies Army (KNIL).

They joined the BKR to deepen the duties and functions of the military organization. Launching Kompas, on October 5, 1945, President Soekarno formed the Indonesian Security Army (TKR).

Soekarno (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

The formation of the TKR could not be separated from the arrival of British troops to Indonesia, which made Indonesia's situation unsafe. In addition, the Dutch are still trying to regain control of Indonesia.

Then on January 7, 1946, the Indonesian government replaced the People's Security Army into the People's Safety Army. Then again changed to the Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI).

At that time the Indonesian people continued to form a people's struggle body. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government is also trying to perfect the Indonesian army, while fighting and fighting to uphold the nation's sovereignty and independence.

The establishment of the TNI

Finally, TRI and the people's struggle agencies joined forces. President Soekarno also authorized the establishment of the TNI on June 3, 1947. Citing the official TNI website, at that time Soekarno also established the highest composition of the TNI.

The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, General Soerdiman, was appointed as the Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, with its members being Lieutenant General Oerip Sumohardjo, Admiral Muda Nazir, Commodore Suryadarma, General Major Sutomo, General Major Ir. Sakirman, and General Major Jokosuyono.

The TNI was briefly merged with the State Police (Polri) to become the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) in 1962. The purpose of this unification of one command is for effectiveness and efficiency in implementing its role.

Indonesian soldiers hunt for KKB in Papua *source: Special)

In addition, unification is also carried out so that the armed forces are kept away from the influence of certain political groups. However, on April 1, 1999, Polri and ABRI were separated. The separation of Polri and ABRI through Presidential Instruction No. 2/1999 on policy steps in the context of separating Polri and ABRI.

ABRI, which is a soldier, has been returned to the TNI until now. The TNI was then divided into three dimensions, namely the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

*Read other information about WORLD HISTORY or read other interesting articles from Putri Ainur Islam.


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